13 Sep 2007

Capacity reduction Europe Newsprint

Demand for newsprint in Europe is stable.  However, the market balance has shifted due to increased import from Canada to Europe.  There is reason to believe that this situation will continue into next year and Norske Skog has therefore started a process aiming at reducing production by 200 000 tons in 2008. Analysis made indicates that a major part of this reduction will be in Norway.  The curtailment is expected to have a clear positive effect on results.
Moreover it has been decided to reduce production volumes at the European newsprint mills amounting to approximately 70 000 tons in the second half year of 2007.

Oksenøen, 13.09.2007
Corporate Communication
Contacts finance markets:
Jarle Langfjæran (+47 67 59 93 38)
Thomas Tronsgaard (+47 67 59 90 62)