23 Jun 2009

Svein Rennemo elected deputy chair

The corporate assembly has today unanimously elected Svein Rennemo as new deputy chair of the board of directors in Norske Skogindustrier ASA.
Rennemo is following Øystein Stray Spetalen who has resigned from the position.
Svein Rennemo has been a member of Norske Skog's board since May 2008. Following today's election, the board consist of: Eivind Reiten (chair), Svein Rennemo (deputy chair), Halvor Bjørken, Wenche Holen, Gisèle Marchand, and Ingrid Wiik, all elected by the shareholders. Employee-elected members of the board are: Stein Roar Eriksen, Paul Kristiansen and Inge Myrlund.
Oxenøen, 23 June 2009
Norske Skog
Corporate affairs