20 Apr 2006

AGM held in Norske Skog

The annual general meeting for Norske Skog took place today, 20 April 2006, at the company's head office just outside Oslo.
The 2005 annual accounts and directors' report for parent company Norske Skogindustrier ASA and the group were approved, and the AGM also approved the board's proposal to pay a dividend of NOK 5,50 per share. This payout will be paid on 3 May 2006 to shareholders entered in the company's share register on 20 April 2005.

Giselé Marchand og Halvor Bjørken were re-elected by the corporate assembly as directors representing the shareholders, while Trond Andersen was elected as new employee director. The board has nine permanent members.
Harald Evju, Birgitta Rødstøl Næss and Tom Ruud where elected to the corporate assembly, as recommended by the election committee. Emil Aubert, Ole H. Bakke, Christian Ramberg and Harald Sæther where re-elected.Kjersti Narum was elected as alternate..
Ole H. Bakke was elected to the election committee, which otherwise comprises Helge Evju and Gunn Wærsted.
The AGM authorised the board to buy back the company's own shares up to a limit of 10 per cent of the outstanding shares. This authority replaces an earlier one, and will be valid until the 2007 AGM.

Oxenøen, 20 April 2006
Norske Skog
Corporate communications

For further information:
Senior Vice President
Hanne Aaberg
Phone: +47 67 59 90 29
Mob: +47 913 51 681