04 Apr 2008 Proposal for new members of the board and the corporate assembly
The election committee in Norske Skog has today presented its proposal for members of the corporate assembly and the board of directors in Norske Skogindustrier ASA.
Norske Skog's election committee is composed of Helge Evju (chair), Idar Kreutzer, Ole H. Bakke and Gunn Wærsted. The election committee proposes members for the corporate assembly, the board and the election committee. The election committee's recommendation is enclosed with this press release.
Members of the corporate assembly will be elected at the general meeting on 24 April. The chair and deputy chair of the corporate assembly, as well as members, the chair and deputy chair of the board will be elected by the corporate assembly on 7 May.
Helge Evju and Idar Kreutzer will be available for comments regarding the election committee's work and recommendation at Norske Skog's head office at Oksenøyveien 80, today between the hours of 10:00-11:00 a.m.
Oxenøen, 4 April 2008
Norske Skog
Corporate affairs
NSG - Election com recommendation - CA members and election committee |