07 Apr 2008

Norske Skog's climate measures

Norske Skog will assume its share of the responsibility for reducing global greenhouse gas emissions. Norske Skog aims to reduce its total greenhouse gas emissions by 25 per cent, about 1 000 000 tonnes of CO2, by 2020.
The climate ambitions of Norske Skog's management are fully in line with the goal of the Combat Climate Change (3C) initiative, of which Norske Skog is one of the founding members. The reductions will take place through reduced energy consumption, conversion to alternative sources of energy and other measures.
Norske Skog is also a part of the Norwegian-Swedish industrial initiative on energy and environment, Nordic Climate Cluster, launched in Oslo today
 "Our renewable raw materials come from sustainably managed forests, the products can be recycled and they store carbon. At the end of their lifecycle they can be used to produce bio energy. Over several years, we have reduced our emissions through significant investments in bio energy and energy efficiency. Norske Skog recognises the global need to address climate change and we are assuming an active role in further reducing CO2 emissions in our value chain in cooperation with our suppliers and customers," says CEO Christian Rynning-Tønnesen.
"Two-thirds of Norske Skog's emissions are related to the external energy supply and our main reduction potential lies in countries with a high use of fossil fuels for energy production."
Norske Skog reduced its emissions of greenhouse gases by 3 per cent in 2007.
A pdf version of the Norske Skog Sustainability Report for 2007 is attached. The report can also be downloaded from our web site www.norskeskog.com.
Oxenøen, 7 April 2008
Norske Skog
Corporate affairs
For further information:
Vice president environment Georg Carlberg
Office phone +47 67599000
Mobile phone +47 90127109

Sustainability Report for 2007 (PDF)