28 Oct 2009 Norske Skog ranked no. 1 in Nordic climate report
Norske Skog has been ranked the best company in the Nordic region in terms of climate reporting and openness about the climate challenges facing the company.
Norske Skog was named best in class by the Carbon Disclosure Project's (CDP) 2009 Nordic report ranking companies based on their climate change strategy and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions. CDP, which has evaluated environmental data from 200 Nordic companies, represents 475 institutional investors worldwide.
"Norske Skog's emissions and climate reporting have been compared with 200 leading companies in the Nordic region. The ranking is an important recognition of our efforts to demonstrate openness in terms of emissions as targets for further emission reductions," says Christian Rynning-Tønnesen, President and CEO of Norske Skog. "Good disclosure routines are important to ensure continued focus internally, and help enforce our commitment to further improvements."
Norske Skog has set a target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 25 percent by 2020.
This is the second time that Norske Skog participates in the Carbon Disclosure Leadership Index, which includes a detailed questionnaire about submitting companies' Co2 emissions, targets for emission reductions as well as about business challenges and opportunities related to climate change.
Oxenøen, 28 October 2009
Norske Skog