23 Mar 2005

Norske Skog - The annual general meeting of Norske Skogindustrier ASA

The annual general meeting of Norske Skogindustrier ASA will be held at 13.00 on Thursday 14 April 2005 in the company's business offices at Oksenøyveien 80, 1326 Lysaker, Bærum.

The agenda is as follows:
1. To approve the annual report and accounts of Norske Skogindustrier ASA and the Group for 2004.
2. To allocate the annual profit for 2004, including declaration of dividend for Norske Skogindustrier ASA.
3. To determine the remuneration of the members of the corporate assembly.
4. To approve the auditor's fee.
5. To amend the company's articles of association.
6. To elect the members and alternate members of the corporate assembly.
7. To elect three members to the election committee.
8. To authorise the board to purchase the company's own shares.
Lysaker, 23 March 2005
Ivar Korsbakken
Chair, corporate assembly
The full notice of the annual general meeting is attached to this press release.
The 2004 annual report and internet-registration to the annual general meeting is available at www.norskeskog.com.

Annual general meeting notice (PDF)