16 Dec 2015

Notice of extraordinary general meeting in Norske Skogindustrier ASA

Norske Skog will be holding an extraordinary annual general meeting on 6 January 2016 at 16:00 CET at Karenslyst allé 2 in Oslo. The notice and registration form for the extraordinary general meeting are available on www.norskeskog.com. The notice and instructions for registration for the general meeting will be sent to all shareholders with known address today.

The board of Norske Skog (the Company) has approved the final agenda for the company's extraordinary general meeting:

  1. Opening of the meeting by the Chairman of the board. Recording of attending and represented shareholders.
  2. Election of a chairperson and a person to co-sign the minutes.
  3. Approval of the notice and the agenda.
  4. The management's update on the Company's operations, including the Company's financial position. A presentation of a refinancing of the Company given by GSO Capital Partners L.P. ("GSO") and Cyrus Capital Partners L.P. ("Cyrus"), two shareholders of the Company.
  5. Election of three new members to the board of directors of the Company.
  6. Election of members to the election- and remuneration committee of the Company.

GSO and Cyrus, possessing a combined shareholding in Norske Skogindustrier ASA of 11.5% of the issued shares, have requested that an extraordinary general meeting be held as noted in the press and stock exchange release on 8 December 2015.

This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

Norske Skog
Communications and Public Affairs

For further information:

Norske Skog media:
Vice President Corporate Communication 
Carsten Dybevig
Mob: +47 917 63 117


Norske Skog financial markets:
Vice President Investor Relations
Tom Rogn
Mob: +47 948 55 659

Notice of extraordinary general meeting in Norske Skogindustrier ASA