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We create green value

Our hallmark for consistency and reliability

Winning recognition as a world leader calls for a focus on the customer. We want them to know what to expect when they buy our products.

The whole process starts at the customer. We must listen to their needs and desires. That, after all, is what we believe helps to make us a recognised world leader in the paper industry.

Everyone involved in the paper process, from raw material, production and transport to the service we offer our customers, must be focused on customer needs and wishes, and act accordingly. That is what customer orientation is all about.

The NOR brand

We have accepted this challenge at Norske Skog by setting up a structure to facilitate customer orientation in every part of our organisation through an internal paper certification process. The Nor brand is not about giving our products a nice, catchy name.We want it to be a hallmark for and a proof of consistency and reliability. The paper allowed to carry the Nor brand must meet the requirements of our customers for runnability, printability and properties such as brightness, opacity and smoothness.

Approving the paper is a process which involves the whole mill organisation. First, the paper is judged through printing tests and on the characteristics mentioned above by benchmarking it. That gives the mill a good understanding of the current position, and allows the organisation to focus on any improve- ments which might be needed.

Next, a local project group is established with representatives from all the mill's operational departments to coordinate improvement activities with support from our research and development, sales and marketing, and the supply and logistics teams. Customers are often directly involved in this process, and their input is invaluable. This approach ensures that all available know-how and experience are brought to bear on customer requirements, and provides a very practical and effective way of facilitating customer orientation. Final approval of the Nor brand is conducted by our research and development group.


Norske Skog ASA
PB 294 Skøyen
0213 Oslo

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Norske Skog ASA
Sjølyst plass 2
0278 Oslo