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We create green value

Cooperation with employee representatives

At all levels in our organisation, we have established formal agreements with elected employee representatives on the exchange of information and consultation. Norske Skog has developed a policy on cooperation with elected employee representatives based on our core values of honesty, openness and cooperation.

Norske Skog concluded an agreement in 2002 with the International Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mine and General Workers (ICEM) which sets minimum global standards for employment, health and safety, and human rights for all our employees, suppliers and subcontractors.

In 2013, Norske Skog signed a renewal of the global employee rights agreement with Norwegian Federation of Trade Unions and IndustriAll Global Union. The agreement covers basic labor rights and standards for safety, wages, working hours and conditions of employment. The agreement describes the implementation and mechanisms for conflict resolution, and contain a clear commitment from Norske Skog to influence their suppliers to respect labor rights.

However, the most important and valuable collaboration remains direct face-to-face communication with and involvement of employees in day-to-day work. This is a matter of openness and visible leadership. A corporate identity, commitment and proprietary attitudes throughout the organisation can only be developed when each employee is respected and allowed to be an individual.

  • A structured and transparent process has been put in place at every mill for cooperation, information and consultation, based on local legislation and agreements
  • We have works councils for Australasia, South America and Europe
  • An agreement is in place with all local unions in Norway on how to structure and handle information and consultation on common issues relating to our business and operations.
  • The Global Employee Forum (GEF) is an umbrella for the three regional works councils. Its objectives are:
    • To give corporate management the opportunity to meet employee representatives from all units and communicate the overall business direction and imperatives to them
    • To give employee representatives the opportunity to be informed and secure direct feedback on current and future business issues in order to improve the decision-making process
    • To facilitate and develop open and constructive relationships and networks
      among GEF representatives.


Norske Skog ASA
PB 294 Skøyen
0213 Oslo

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Norske Skog ASA
Sjølyst plass 2
0278 Oslo